Blackjack Rule Changes

One of the most popular card games around, blackjack is a favorite at casinos around the world. It is a game that is easy to learn, but still has a lot of strategical elements to it. Blackjack is one of those rare games that novices and experts can enjoy with equal fervor.


Blackjack is also a game that many develop a habit of cheating at, through card counting, clever strategies, or other methods that limit the advantage enjoyed by the house. There have been some changes to the rules and most of these changes are not to the benefit of the average player. Here is a look at the rule changes and what they could mean for your next blackjack game:

There are a few things that you can always assume about a typical blackjack game. The fact that the dealer stands on a soft 17, the cards are dealt from eight deck shoes, and that doubling is possible with two standard cards and after a split are common knowledge.

If there are any rule changes beyond these principles, it will adjust the payout rate for a player. For example, when the “five card Charlie” rule is added, 1.5% is added to a player’s advantage. Having a single deck game can give the player an additional

However, other rules can be very detrimental. For example, having a rule that the dealer who gets a total of 22 acts as a push instead of a win means that your payout rate will decline by 7%. In addition, payout rates of 1-1 mean that your payout will decline by 2.3%. At 6-5 payouts, you will lose another 1.4% in payout rate. This is why many say that the only games worth playing are 2-1 payout games.blackjack

Other rule changes that negate your winning chances include the rule of not being able to split aces (0.2% drop), only being able to double when you have 10 or 11 (0.2%), and the rule which does not allow you to double after a split (0.14%)

When looking at these figures objectively, it may seem as if rule changes do not make that much of a difference. The difference in winning payout rates is very small, but that does not tell the whole story. If the original payout rate you had was 99%, even a 1% decline causes the house’s advantage to double. That is why it is so important to understand the rules of a blackjack game before you decide to take part.

Learn more about blackjack rules